Our volunteers are trained and coached to facilitate Moral Reconation Therapy. (MRT®).  MRT® is an effective systematic, cognitive-behavioral approach that not only targets the deeply ingrained “thinking errors” and long-standing cognitive issues that create and drive criminal behaviors but also develops pro-social attitudes and behaviors in individuals.  It gives the individual tools and strategies to adjust thinking and change behaviors for a positive outcome. The programs are implemented in groups utilizing workbooks directly targeting specific issues or units.

The specific units taught by our volunteers include the following:

As stated on the MRT® website, MRT® is the premier cognitive-behavioral treatment system world-wide and is used in 50 states, 9 countries and has been in existence for 30 years. MRT® studies show a reduction in the recidivism rate of offenders 30-50% for periods up to 20 years after release.  Re-arrest and re-incarceration rates can be up to 65% lower than expected.  MRT® changes the behaviors and decision-making errors that led to incarceration.